2009年1月26日 星期一

septic shock

Glucocorticoid therapy may be beneficial to patients who have severe septic shock (defined as a systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg for more than one hour despite adequate fluid resuscitation plus vasopressor administration).
There are no high or moderate quality data to suggest that glucocorticoid therapy is beneficial to patients with less severe septic shock. (See "Clinical evidence" above).
Classification of adrenal reserve as adequate or inadequate fails to identify patients who are more likely to benefit from glucocorticoid therapy. (See "Clinical evidence" above).

We typically administer 50 mg of hydrocortisone every six hours or 100 mg of hydrocortisone every eight hours.

2009年1月25日 星期日

ideal body weight nutrition

men: Ideal Body Weight (in kilograms) = 50 + 2.3 kg per inch(2.54cm) over 5 feet(152.4cm).
women: Ideal Body Weight (in kilograms) = 45.5 + 2.3 kg per inch over 5 feet.

BMI=22 (both sex)
Calorie need=IBW*30Kcal/kg/day
Protein need=Patient current body weight*72.6g/day

2009年1月22日 星期四

acid base

HCO3 PCO2 同向:metabolic,反向:respiratory(氣體對流)


0.25*5 acidosis

0104 acidosis
0204 alkalosis(hyperventilation)

2009年1月21日 星期三

IV urine alkalization

sodium bicarbonate 2 vial Q8H, then check urine PH(target>7.2)
If < 7.2, q8 -> Q6, else Q8 -> Q12

2009年1月20日 星期二

warm shock

病人可在warm shock時就爛掉(organ failure和lactic acidosis),等BP掉時可能巳ischemic bowel等等而爛到不行了(腸子要切掉 etc.)

Warm shock: 尿減少 → HR↑,dyspnea(for compensate),organ failure(如ischemic bowel而想吐,這時HR不是因想吐不適而快,用beta blocker會將好不容易的代償除掉而死)

Sinus Tachycardia是要趕快找underlying處理掉(如hypovolumia),而不能用heart rate藥

過敏和septic shock早期因周邊血管擴張而warm之shock,
只有cardiogenic shock的HR沒上昇

2009年1月15日 星期四

pneumonia lung edema

rhonchi: 水中咕嚕咕嚕聲 --> sputum
crackle: 搓頭髮聲 --> lung edema


8-12mmHg, mmH2O則>17, 有用ventilator既使非Bipap/CPAP,都會增加

Intravascular是否水足夠:CVP + Bun/Cre + 尿量(體重)

2009年1月14日 星期三

AF with RVR

老人怕血壓掉太快(尤其中風希望高),且常心較不好而不敢用CCB或BB,故用amiodarone(rhythm + rate control,故須af小於48hr, else clot打出去.af>48hr沒出血問題包hemorrhagic transformation則先打heparin一陣子才rhythm control--amiodarone或cardioversion;CCB,BB & digoxin無rhythm control,只能rate control)
cardioversion必須要有CR在,才能執行!因有變cardiac arrest或把血栓打出去的問題
amiodarone原IV後PO,突然又須IV時,則重跑一次bolus→maintainance,沒過一天max dose就好,若仍HR>180,則滴amiodarone時又外加個digoxin(老人沒EF<40問題但怕BP掉和心不好而不想用CCB,BB時)
embolism如ischemic stroke若急診(本來)有Af,要用個2天coumadin才可try弄回正常心律(無如用電擊,beta blocker或其它),否則會把心房內的血栓打出去


Amiodarone alone failed →
1. Cordarone 1# QD(not TID) + Digoxin 0.25mgIV Q8H * 3 then 0.125mg PO QD
2. Isoptin(40) 1# TID + Digoxin 0.25mgIV Q8H * 3 then 0.125mg PO QD

2009年1月13日 星期二






PHARMACODYNAMICS / KINETICS — Note: Rate of absorption, onset, and duration of activity may be affected by site of injection, exercise, presence of lipodystrophy, local blood supply, and/or temperature.
Excretion: Urine

RI:Onset 0.5 hours, Peak: 2.5-5 hours
Duration: 4-12 hours (may increase with dose)
Time to peak, plasma: 0.8-2 hours

NPH:Onset 1-2 hours, Peak: 4-12 hours
Duration: 18-24 hours
Time to peak, plasma: 6-12 hours

each increase not ot exceed 3-5U propotional to original dosage

2009年1月12日 星期一

Septic shock with ARF

Intubation: 平常要靠BiPAP, septic shock到用iatrogenic agent,不管ABG如何都可on endo

先charge volume,沒出來才考慮Lasix, albumin
若U/O>1cc/kg/hr, fluid challenge不必急著考慮albumin, FP(not FFP),光charge volume + Lasix PRN即可


Relative intravascular hypovolemia is typical and may be severe. As an example, early goal-directed therapy required a mean infusion volume of approximately five liters within the initial six hours of therapy in the trial described above [17]. As a result, rapid, large volume infusions of intravenous fluids are indicated as initial therapy for severe sepsis or septic shock, unless there is coexisting clinical or radiographic evidence of heart failure.
Fluid therapy should be administered in well-defined (eg, 500 mL), rapidly infused boluses [8,9]. Volume status, tissue perfusion, blood pressure, and the presence or absence of pulmonary edema must be assessed before and after each bolus. Intravenous fluid challenges can be repeated until blood pressure is acceptable, tissue perfusion is acceptable, pulmonary edema ensues, or fluid fails to augment perfusion.
Careful monitoring is essential in this approach because patients with sepsis typically develop noncardiogenic pulmonary edema (ie, ALI, ARDS). In patients with ALI or ARDS who are hemodynamically resuscitated, a liberal approach to intravenous fluid administration prolongs the duration of mechanical ventilation, compared to a more restrictive approach that typically requires large doses of furosemide [27]. Thus, while the early, aggressive fluid therapy is appropriate in severe sepsis and septic shock, fluids may be unhelpful or harmful when the circulation is no longer fluid-responsive. (See "Supportive care and oxygenation in acute respiratory distress syndrome", section on Fluid management).

shock後會有利尿期,這時的補多出多並不是身體覺得水夠,而是利尿所致,更要補水以免脫水(注意bun/cre, electrolyte)

2009年1月4日 星期日

gastric ulcer bleeding

free- strocain

cash - Nexium($45,but coffee ground with stroke free for 3 days)/Takepron($40,$80), Pantoloc($311), Ciketin(for old age, young age will cause impotence etc., $2/1# BID)

Plavix只有在aspirin GI bleeding 且primary care自行評估或GI評估不適合胃鏡後才能用

Stroke + Gastric OB only 亦可用Losec

2009年1月2日 星期五

J01398, UTI, suspect pneumonia?

152326, takepron vs nexium pantaloc?