2008年12月8日 星期一

FNHTR: (Febrile Non-hemolysis transfusion reaction) 基本上是血品內WBC 釋出的cytokine 會引起fever and chills, 即使使用filter 還是會發生,
Pack RBC 可換成Washed RBC 來避免
Platelet 可用prestorage-leukocyte depleted PLT 來避免
FFP則無法避免),可以使用Panadol or steroid 預防

電血:使血品中的lymphocyte ”inactivation”,將來無法再複製分裂(transfusion-related GVHD) 何時該電血?
Immunocompromised pt, ex. Post-allo-HSCT(一日BMT,終身電血),
ALC<1000 (Absolute lymphocyte count)
(因HLA 可能相當接近,電血可以避免transfusion GVHD)
哪些血液製品要電血? RBC & PLT 製品要irradiation (FFP, cryopricipitate 不必電血)

Pack RBC: A, B, O type 要 match
1. Kept Hb > 6 g/dL for chronic anemia (non-malignant)
2. Kept Hb > 8 g/dL for acute leukemia & lymphoma
3. Kept Hb >10 g/dL for cardiopulmonary disease OR receiving radiotherapy
4. 若病人有症狀,亦需給予治療, keep Hb > 9~10 g/dL

Platelet: 盡量配合A, B, O type,但若無ABO matched 其他血型也可輸,
以single donor,WBC depleted platelet 為佳
若有anti-platelet 抗體可輸HLA matched 血小板 (需知道HLA-ABC 的結果)
1. Kept Plt > 10K active bleeding(-), aspirin(-)
2. Kept Plt > 20K aspirin(+), active bleeding(-)
3. Kept Plt > 50K if active bleeding(+), including DIC, APL patient, menstrual bleeding
4. Check anti-platelet antibody for refractory thrombocytopenia
5. Give Premarin 1 amp q6-8h and platelet supplement for menstrual bleeding
