2008年12月22日 星期一

cva artery


NE: http://medinfo.ufl.edu/other/opeta/neuro/NE_main.html

ml=widht1(cm) * width2(cm) * cut number / 2
mca=butterfly wings lateral, aca=mercedes anterior(supraventricle more), pca=mercedes 2 legs

When blood pressure control is necessary, the use of vasodilators such as nitroprusside or nitroglycerin should be avoided because of their propensity to increase cerebral blood volume and therefore intracranial pressure. Labetalol is preferred.
Nimodipine — The calcium channel blocker nimodipine was initially used in patients with SAH to prevent vasospasm. (See "Prevention of vasospasm" below). However, despite the vasodilatory effects of nimodipine on cerebral vessels, there is no convincing evidence that nimodipine affects the incidence of either angiographic or symptomatic vasospasm.

Nimodipine is marketed as a cerebral selective drug

Artery involvedSyndromePathophysiology
Anterior cerebral artery

Motor and/or sensory deficit (foot >> face, arm)

Grasp, sucking reflexes

Abulia, paratonic rigidity, gait apraxia

Embolic > atherothrombotic
Middle cerebral artery

Dominant hemisphere: aphasia, motor
and sensory deficit (face, arm >leg >foot), may be complete
hemiplegia if internal capsule involved, homonymous hemianopia.

Non-dominant hemisphere: neglect, anosognosia, motor and sensory deficit (face, arm > leg>foot), homonymous hemianopia.

Embolic > atherothrombotic
Posterior cerebral arteryHomonymous hemianopia; alexia without agraphia (dominant
hemisphere); visual hallucinations, visual perseverations (calcarine
cortex); sensory loss, choreoathetosis, spontaneous pain (thalamus);
III nerve palsy, paresis of vertical eye movement, motor deficit
(cerebral peduncle, midbrain).
Embolic > atherothrombotic
Penetrating vessels

Pure motor hemiparesis (classic lacunar syndromes)

Pure sensory deficit

Pure sensory-motor deficit

Hemiparesis, homolateral ataxia

Dysarthria/clumsy hand

Small artery (lacunar) infarct

Cranial nerve palsies

Crossed sensory deficits

Diplopia, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, dysarthria, dysphagia, hiccup

Limp and gait ataxia

Motory deficit


Bilateral signs suggest basilar artery disease.

Embolic = atherothrombotic
Internal carotid arteryProgressive or stuttering onset of MCA syndrome, occasionally ACA syndrome as well if insufficient collateral flow.Atherothrombotic > embolic
